Monday, September 27, 2010



Common disorders of salivary glands involve obstruction involving their ductal system. Salivary gland calculi comprises the most common cause of enlargement of salivary glands. Obstructions could be caused by the presence of calculi, strictures of the duct etc. Sialoendoscopy is the most preferred mode of treating obstructions involving major salivary glands. Major advantage of this procedure is that it can be performed under local anesthesia as an office procedure.


It was Konigsberger and his colleagues first used sialoendoscopy and lithotripsy to treat salivary gland calculi in 1990. During the year 1991 Gundlach and colleagues published their experience of doing sialoendoscopic procedures. Katz in 1991 used a 0.8 mm flexible endoscope to diagnose sialolithiasis and to remove them from major salivary glands. It was Kongisberger and colleagues who successfully used a flexible mini endoscope and intracorporeal lithotriptor to fragment major salivary gland calculi, thus opening up new vistas.
In 1994 Arzoz and his colleagues first introduced a 2.1 mm rigid endoscope which had a 1mm working channel as sialendoscope. This was indeed a mini urethroscope. They also used a Pneumoballistic lithotriptor along with this endoscope to hit the calculus and break it. This work was followed by Nahlieli who published his three years experience with rigid sialendoscope in the year 2000.

Read the full e book from here

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